Thursday, January 5, 2023

How to Filter Dates in Canvas Apps Using Greater Than/Less Than Operators

Defining the Problem

Recently I was attempting to filter an on-premise SQL table by a DateTime field using a “greater than” operator, and displaying the results in a Data Table control.  When I applied the “greater than” condition to my filter, it would return 0 results.  The crazy thing was I wasn’t seeing any errors.  So I then turned on the Monitor tool and took a look at the response of the getRows request:

  "duration": 1130.2,
  "size": 494,
  "status": 400,
  "headers": {
    "Cache-Control": "no-cache,no-store",
    "Content-Length": 494,
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Date": "Thu, 05 Jan 2023 13:36:12 GMT",
    "expires": -1,
    "pragma": "no-cache",
    "strict-transport-security": "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains",
    "timing-allow-origin": "*",
    "x-content-type-options": "nosniff",
    "x-frame-options": "DENY",
    "x-ms-apihub-cached-response": true,
    "x-ms-apihub-obo": false,
    "x-ms-connection-gateway-object-id": "c29ec50d-0050-4470-ac93-339c4b208626",
    "x-ms-request-id": "e127bd54-0038-4c46-9a31-ce94547c226c",
    "x-ms-user-agent": "PowerApps/3.22122.15 (Web AuthoringTool; AppName=f3d6b68b-f463-43a2-bb2b-b1ea9bd1a03b)",
    "x-ms-client-request-id": "e127bd54-0038-4c46-9a31-ce94547c226c"
  "body": {
    "status": 400,
    "message": "We cannot apply operator < to types DateTimeZone and DateTime.\r\n     inner exception: We cannot apply operator < to types DateTimeZone and DateTime.\r\nclientRequestId: e127bd54-0038-4c46-9a31-ce94547c226c",
    "error": {
      "message": "We cannot apply operator < to types DateTimeZone and DateTime.\r\n     inner exception: We cannot apply operator < to types DateTimeZone and DateTime."
    "source": ""
  "responseType": "text"

Ah, Power Apps shows no error since it returned a 400 status, but the body contains the actual error: "We cannot apply operator < to types DateTimeZone and DateTime.\r\n     inner exception: We cannot apply operator < to types DateTimeZone and DateTime.\r\nclientRequestId: e927bd54-0038-4c46-9a31-ce94547c226c".  Apparently my DateTime column in SQL does not play well with Power App’s Date Time.  After some googling I found some community posts as well:

The Solution

The last community post above suggests that I should try the DateTimeOffset column type in SQL, and after another return to the googling I found a very similar issue described by Tim Leung, describing the same thing.  Unfortunately no one documented how to do this, so here I am, documenting how to do it for you dear reader, as well as future me !  Please be warned, I’m still not sure how DateTimeOffset plays with other tools/systems, so test first!)

  1. Update the DateTime Column in SQL Server
  2. ALTER TABLE dbo.<YourTableName>
    ALTER COLUMN <YourDateColumn> datetimeoffset(0) NOT NULL;

    UPDATE dbo.<YourTableName>
    SET <YourDateColumn> = CONVERT(datetime, <YourDateColumn>) AT TIME ZONE <YourTimeZone>;

    I don't believe there is a Daylight Saving Time option to timezones, but I just happened to be in EST, not EDT, so my last line looked like this:

        SET <YourDateColumn> = CONVERT(datetime, <YourDateColumn>) AT TIME ZONE 'Eastern Standard Time';

    Use SELECT * FROM Sys.time_zone_info to find your time zone.

  3. Refresh the Data source in the app

  4. In Canvas Apps Studio, click data source options menu and select Refresh
  5. Reload the app
  6. I had problems with the Data Table control I was using not applying the timezone offset correctly.  Reloading the app seemed to fix this issue.

  7. Viola!

It’s not hard, but it definitely is a headache that I would hope Microsoft will solve.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daryl, Any updates on this? I'm still seeing it for filtering an on prem sql server in 2024 .
